Sunday 10 August 2008

Update later and a wee painting

I'll be updating the shop later with one of the capes I made and a wee painting i've been mosying around with today.

It's been funny weather as I said in the last post but I am starting to enjoy the rain. This has happened to me once before about 5 years ago living in London. Some overnight, unplanned for switch occured and suddenly I loved the rain and the dark drizzly evenings. It's happening again at the moment, which is just as well.

Here's the little painting


Rima Staines said...

This is very lovely Lindsey :)
Yes rain rain rain - it is just as well you are loving it... I'm trying but I can't!

Lady Lavona said...

LOVE IT!!! You know I have to have one! Can you reserve # 1 for me if you decide to print them!?