Hello! Thanks again to everyone who gave their ideas, I am planning to scan in sketches etc that came about as a result of them in the next few days. I would have done earlier except the last 3 weeks have been exhausting with me working 40+ hour weeks for my job. Finally next weekend I will be able to take off a couple of extra days and do some art!
On that note, I have a few things in the run. One of them is mechanical, and I will finally incorperate music into it! This is much longer term as I still don't know exactly how the mechanism will work, i'm going to have to do some soldering of wires - frightening!
The other thing is that i've discovered that old clock cases are the perfect things to use as theatre cases! Oh yes! Ebay etc have a bounty of abandoned and unloved ornate clock cases which I am going to use to put scenes in. And I thought you might like to know there are certain kinds of cases which would be perfect for people to give a bit of love to and hang the paper forest doll and the mystic cowboy in, see:

An old clock case. Perfect!!!!!!!
Clock cases! That's *genious*! You're a mad, mad genious! Can't wait to see what you come up with. :)
And in my excitement, I even misspelled "genius". Apparently, me = no genius.
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