Thursday 22 May 2008

Made in The Shade

It seems ages! I've been away camping on the North West Coast of scotland. It was superb! I'll post some pics soon as - with or without camera abilities - the landscape is staggering.

Where I live was mentioned in the last posts comments and yes! it is true I live in a place of ridiculous beauty and i'm very grateful for it. Here's the view from the gate.

The island in the distance is Arran.

It's surrounded by animals, we get sheep and lambs obviously, wild deer, rabbits and hares, pheasants, squirrels, foxes, moles (Gigantic mounds all round the house - the little buggers!) and down the road my favourite animal:

When I first moved here 4 years ago (I'm actually from around the Liverpool area) all I did was paint flowers, bumblebees, foxes and things. Very brightly coloured paintings, but unfortunately i'm not sure where they are anymore. Ah well!

Lots has been going on, but the immediate thing i'm looking forward to is attending Made in the Shade,
I had really hoped to be able to do some originals and paint some brooches for this but I originally thought it was next week - hence here I am sans originals. Also, some inks ran out on my printer and I don't have any's one of those snafu situations.

So my plan is to take the few things I have - and also I managed to procure some old antique photos of serious gents and women and i'll paint on them throughout the day- it's a bit different and it gets around this problem of having nothing original there! Should be fun!

If you're around, do pop in and say hi!


Erin said...

what lovely pictures!

Christine said...

What a gorgeous place! And this time of the year it must be nice as it doesn't get dark until much later.Welcome back:)

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Rima Staines said...

Hi Lindsey :) Lovely living up here isn't it :)
This made in the shade seems to have passed me by entirely! Wonder if you did well?
Hope you're hunky dory over there in the west...
X Rima